
1st Lake Blog

Summer Meals: the Best Fish for Grilling

Summer is the perfect time for grilling, and 1st Lake residents can do it right at home with grilling stations provided at many apartment communities. Fish is a lighter, healthier alternative to steak or chicken and taste delicious grilled over an open flame, however you have to be careful when choosing what type of fish to grill. Some more delicate, flaky fish like tilapia and flounder won’t work on the grill. Opt for the firmer, eatier fish to put on the grill. Here are the best fish for grilling.

grilling fish summer


Swordfish is perfect for grilling. They are sold as steak fillets, so you can throw them on the grill whole after seasoning, or cut them up into skewers for delicious fish kabobs.



grilled salmonSalmon is delicious grilled, and can hold up to the heat of a grill without falling apart. Season with spices, lemon juice and dill for great flavor.


Tuna is one of the sturdiest fish and cooks well on the grill. Get a nice sear on a tuna steak for that smoky flavor that’s perfect for summer cookouts.


Snapper is one of those fish that tastes great any way you cook it, and the mild white fish will hold up well on the grill.

Mahi Mahi

This firm, mild white fish is a crowd pleaser that will taste great from the grill flavor, seasoned with spices and lime juice.

1st Lake Properties apartments in Louisiana and Mississippi are fortunately located in the Gulf Coast area which has direct access to some of the best seafood in the country, which means you’ll have a high quality selection at the market or grocery store for your summer grillout.