Our 1st Lake team is committed to helping our Greater New Orleans community by working with and donating to local non-profits. Over the past few weeks, we’ve continued to serve alongside Second Harvest Food Bank, Jefferson Chamber, and Pigeon Caterers to provide food for families and frontline workers in our community.
Since January, we’ve also had the privilege of working with local groups like Wounded Warriors and ARNO. Our teams raised $4,417.42 for our veterans and we raised $5,433.16 for the animals of ARNO.
This week, we participated in Bites for Knights by donating $1,000 to provide meals to the frontline workers at Ochsner Hospital! In 2020, we’ve provided over 20,000 meals through Second Harvest and we’ve donated over $5,123.42 to help feed those in need! Each dollar donated provides four meals!
Frontline workers receiving their meals from Bites for Knights Photo Credit: Jefferson Chamber
We’re looking forward to continued partnerships with these organizations, so we can keep strengthening our community from Jefferson Parish and beyond.