
1st Lake Blog

New Interactive Play Experience at Kenner Planetarium

Picture from City of Kenner

The Kenner Planetarium and Rivertown Space Science Complex, located at 2020 4th St, Kenner, LA 70062, is introducing an exciting limited-time attraction called the Luna Interactive Play Spot!

This high-tech playset offers interactive games for all ages and abilities, using sensor technology to detect movement. As you enter the play mat area, sensors automatically initiate engaging activities, such as memory challenges, counting games, and reaction-based play. The experience includes:

  • Brain Games
  • Fitness Games
  • Imagination Games
  • Music Games
  • Reaction Games

The City of Kenner, in partnership with Pelican Playgrounds, is bringing this innovative playset to the community. Pelican Playgrounds, a recreation design and construction company dedicated to building joy in Louisiana and Mississippi, has generously loaned the Luna Play Spot to the Planetarium for a limited time. The play equipment itself is designed by LAPPSET, a leading manufacturer of interactive play systems.

When to Visit

The Luna Interactive Play Spot is available for public use on Saturdays from 11 AM – 3 PM and is included with general admission to the Kenner Planetarium and Rivertown Space Science Complex:

$6 Adults | $5 Seniors (60+) | $5 Kids (2–12)

Don’t miss out on this immersive and educational experience before it’s gone in June 2025!

For more information, visit the Kenner Planetarium and Space Science Complex at 2020 4th St, Kenner, LA 70062, or check out their website.