Giving gifts can often times be as rewarding as receiving them, especially if the path to acquiring them isn’t paved with stress and dread. If you always find yourself struggling with finding the right gift for someone or waiting until the last minute, follow these tips for gift giving that will make gift giving a joy and a breeze.
Keep a calendar including everyone’s birthday and holiday so you can anticipate it coming up well ahead of time and start thinking early about what gift to seek out. This will give you plenty of time to find the best one and shop around to compare quality, style and price.
If you find a stellar gift for a friend or family member that you think more of the people on your gift list would like, there’s no reason not to buy several of them for multiple people. Chances are if one person loves it, someone else you’re close to probably will too.
One way to make the gifting process easier on yourself is to join forces with your significant other, siblings or group of friends to purchase something together. This means everyone will have less to think about and search for, but also one big great gift rather than several smaller mediocre ones for the recipient.
Can’t find something you’re excited about to give to a loved one? Then make your own! Decide what the person you are giving a gift would appreciate and enjoy and then create it yourself, whether that’s a homemade cookies or jam, a hand painted picture frame with a photo, a personalized playlist, a card, or anything you can imagine.