If you need someone to share your apartment with, the roommate search should not be taken lightly, especially if you don’t know the person moving in. No one wants to be stuck with the messy, loud, annoying or the dreaded crazy, maniacal roommate.
The best way to ensure you make the perfect match based on your compatibility and satisfaction with a new potential roommate is to conduct an in-person interview, just like you would do if you were hiring someone for a job.
In addition, it’s always good to take an extra step and check references of past landlords or roommates to be really sure about the person you decide to live with. Use the following roommate interview checklist and compare with your own answers, preferences and the policies at your apartment community to find someone you can live in harmony with. Happy hunting!
What is your job? How long have you been there?
Do you have experience living with roommates? What did you like/dislike about that dynamic?
Why are you leaving your current apartment?
How much are you currently paying for rent?
Are you prepared to split utility bills and shared expenses like toilet paper, garbage bags, detergent, etc.?
Are you willing to clean common areas like the living room, kitchen and bathroom on a regular basis?
Are you a smoker or drug user?
Do you have any pets?
What’s your schedule like?
Do you plan on having company over often?
Do you have a significant other who will be spending the night and how do you feel about that from your perspective?
Do you have any serious illnesses or allergies I should know about?
What is your design aesthetic? How much of your own furniture or decorations will you be bringing to the apartment?