Getting familiar with your new neighbors is a fun and interesting part of apartment living. Not only does it help to add a sense of community, but it’s a great way to make new friends as well! Neighbors can help you look after your apartment when you’re away on vacation, can join you for holiday get-togethers, or they could even connect you to a job opportunity or other like-minded people! But, how do you greet the new neighbors? It can seem tricky if you’ve never had to do it before, but when it comes to saying hello, keeping it simple is always best!
A Friendly Greeting Will Do
The classic greeting is always effective! Simply going over and saying, “Hello” can break the ice and start a conversation. Ask where they’re from, remember their name, and find out what you two might have in common. Easy-going conversation is best, and it’s important not to pry or get too nosy when making your introduction. Keep it casual and friendly!
Win Them Over with Sweets
Another good way to say hello is to bake cookies or treats! Almost everyone enjoys a home-cooked treat, and it’s a great way to make a first impression. Even if they can’t eat the goodies you bring, they will more than likely understand and appreciate your nice gesture.
Host A Meet and Greet
If you already know other neighbors in your apartment complex, try hosting a meet-and-greet. Invite the neighbors you already know as well as your new neighbors to your apartment. This could make it less awkward if you’re not inclined to introduce yourself one-on-one, and it shows your new neighbor that he or she has a friendly welcoming party living in the complex as well.
Lend a Helping Hand
If your neighbor is in the middle of moving, try asking if they need any help. If you’re capable of helping, especially with heavier items, that can go a long way toward fostering a sense of trust and friendship right away!
Consider Stopping By, But Be Considerate
When making your introduction, it is a good idea to choose a time when you know they are home but will not be overwhelmed. For instance, dinner time is not the best time to stop in and try to strike up a chat, and anywhere from 2:30 to 3:30 pm is probably not best if your new neighbor has children getting off of school. Anytime between 10am and 2pm are generally the best times for the weekdays or the weekends, if your new neighbor is home.
Make the first move when meeting your neighbor for the first time! Don’t wait for an invitiation in; new neighbors are often fairly embarrassed by the state of their home for the first few weeks. Moving in and organizing can create quite a clutter! If you want, ask your new neighbors over for a cup of coffee or a meal one day. Having them over to your apartment diffuses the embarrassment of them having to explain their move-in clutter and can allow you to get to know each other in a friendly space.
However you choose to say hello, make sure your new neighbor feels at home! A close-knit sense of community is one of the great aspects of apartment living!